s Advertising Industry

How Non-originality haunts Pakistan’s Advertising Industry

There's a “shartia ailaj” type advertising formula for every possible proposition. Children's brands won't settle for anything short of TVCs showing brats making fun of...

Coke Studio vs Nescafe Basement vs Pakistan Idol: Battle of the Brands

The success story of Coke Studio is not veiled from the mainstream media. Despite the presence of its orchestrated live performances, adorned by some...

Why brand Loyalty went extinct in Automobile Industry

In a world of increasing prices, innovation, consumerism, and cost-reducing-efficiency-enhancing technologies – it is uncanny how people are still brand loyal. Let alone automobile...
Coke Studio vs Nescafe Basement vs Pakistan Idol Battle of the Brands

Coke Studio vs Nescafe Basement vs Pakistan Idol: Battle of the Brands

The success story of Coke Studio is not veiled from the mainstream media. Despite the presence of its orchestrated live performances, adorned by some...
Social media Battle Facebook leads as Twitter tries to catch up

Social media Battle: Facebook leads as Twitter tries to catch up

The war between the two social media giants, Twitter and Facebook has been going on for quite a while but not even once has...


By Synergyzer Sante Fe Film Festival acclaimed filmmaker Ayesha Khan talks about her experience with Hollywood and producing films in the USA and the acceptance...
meaningful brands-lead

What is Meant by Meaningful Brands?

By Zulfiqar Ali Sajwani In pursuit of judging a brand’s movement towards success, marketers are coming up with new metrics every day, each one expanding...

First YouTube Music Awards disappoint critics

YouTube hosted its first LIVE music awards last night which was live streamed over the internet worldwide. Although the effort was much appreciated, a...
brands halloween-lead

How Brands celebrate Halloween

Every year people celebrate “Halloween”, contraction of "All Hallows' Evening or All Hallows' Eve, on October 31st. Brands also celebrate this event with same...

Djuice changes Tagline yet again

Telenor’s prodigal son Djuice changed its positioning statement at the start of this month with an official press conference. That is the story of...
r and d-lead

Top 20 companies Spending Most on R&D

By Hassan Wasti Technology companies grabbed 13 out of 20 spots on the list which shows just how much competition is out there when it...

Apple, Samsung, Nokia – which is the Biggest Smartphone Brand?

What makes a company the ‘biggest’ in its industry? Is it the market share, the total revenue earned, the awareness a brand has or...

Morning Show Circus: Who Tops the Chart

By Momina Khan All of us are aware of the morning show culture, which has gone viral Pakistan. As soon as the clock ticks 9,...

Tanishq celebrates re-marriage in India

With ‘Dichotomy of Fame’ in the background score, Tanishq jewelry’s new ad campaign boldly celebrates the idea of remarriages for women. Indian community has traditionally...
top 10 brands

The Top 10 most Loved brands

By Zulfiqar Ali Sajwani Be it an aspiring or a well established brand, every brand aims to establish a healthy brand-consumer relationship and what else...

What Happens When You Advertise Too Much

By Nida A. Khan One of the challenges facing marketers is determining the most effective level of advertising exposure for a brand, while, maintaining a...
more smartphones

By 2014 there will be more Smartphones on earth than people

Did you know that by end of this year, there will be more Smartphones in the world than people? Or that the average consumer-age for...

When Comparative Advertising Goes Wrong

By Sidra Jawed Throughout advertising history, brands have directly and circuitously compared themselves to other brands and have tried to make themselves look good versus...
himalaya tvc-lead

Himalaya TVC: Women bid Farewell to skin issues

It is true that women today can go to any lengths to get the most flawless, beautiful skin. Realizing this, India’s top herbal face...
Lenovo P780

Lenovo P780 smartphone acts as charger with its strong battery life

By Hassan Wasti The new Lenovo P780 is a beast when it comes to battery back-up; a feature that has made it the talk of...