In the light of the recent terrorist attacks that hit Paris, Facebook has activated its Safety Check tool for the users in the city to post prompt safety statuses to inform their friends and family.

Via the tool, Facebook is automatically sending its users in the targeted areas of the French capital to inquire if they are safe.


Upon clicking the option “Yes,  let my friends know”, the Safety Check app sends a direct notification on the news feed to their Facebook Friends.

What’s more, those outside Paris’s vicinity can also confirm if their closed ones are safe and sound. Determining on the basis of location of FB users in their profile, the location where they are using the Internet, the Nearby Friends feature along with detecting their most recent location, Facebook is marking down people to ensure they are safe amidst the chaos.

“Communication is critical in these moments,” Facebook said in a statement, “both for people there and for their friends and families anxious for news.”

Initially, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had announced the “Safety Check” feature on April 25 for the deadly Nepal earthquake. With France subjected to one of the most horrific attacks in decades, people are looking up to  social media platforms to get information on their loved ones.