WhatsApp, Viber, Skype or Facebook What’s Your Favorite

Smartphone users have grown exponentially in the last five years. After which the abundance of Mobile Internet ensured the bombardment of Apps amongst which the most famous have been social messaging.

I mean, who is alien to names like WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Gtalk, Line and hundreds more? Their attractiveness is almost equal to the outstanding popularity of SMS back the time when cellphones were still a young phenomenon, and SMS application completely annihilated the existence of ‘Pagers’.

Recently, Facebook expensed US$ 19 billion to acquire ‘WhatsApp’, an app that still lags behind ‘Facebook Messenger App’ in States. However, WhatsApp has more monthly active users than facebook messengers.

The story of Facebook and Whatsapp is increasingly interesting. Let’s take a look below, at ‘The WhatsApp Popularity’ around the world with a snapshot of its users’ Demographics.WhatsApp, Viber, Skype or Facebook What’s Your Favorite_1