Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI) has become the first Pakistani political party to use Facebook’s live moments broadcasting feature. This feature offers Facebook verified pages to broadcast live videos for streaming to all internet users via the social networking platform.

PTI Chairman Imran Khan met up with Mr. Ali Ghummam recently and urged that the Social media team representing PTI must stay ahead of its game. In accordance with Mr. Khan’s wishes Ali Ghumam launched the Live Broadcasting option that Facebook offers for verified pages.

Read More: Facebook Allows Journalists to Broadcast Live With Facebook Mentions App

The Facebook live video was enabled on 15th September when Mark Zuckerberg launched a live Question and Answer Session with Narendra Modi which had received a total of 6.5 million views.

Take a look at the video over here:

[fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/]

The live PTI video featured Mr. Asad Umer and his wife being interviewed at their home by Mr. Ahsan Alavi. The video got a phenomenal and unexpectedly positive response on social media.

The video had achieved 240,000 views and 32, 498 engagements as reported by ProPakistani.

The video marks an important milestone in the future of broadcasting of live video in Pakistan.