Pakistani actor Khaqan Shahnawaz has taken a dig at content creators in a recent interview where he delved into the intricacies of content creation and industry norms.

Speaking with Fuchsia, the College Gate star was counting his blessings and his privileges in the industry, which prompted a discussion on the distinction between actors and television stars, and ultimately, how significant education is for social media stars.

“An educated content creator will always make more money and better content,” Khaqan said as he clarified that this doesn’t necessarily refer to formal school syllabuses, emphasising the value of self-driven education through reading books.

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While acknowledging that degrees are not the sole indicator of education, he recognised the significance of institutions in shaping upbringing and socialisation.

The actor also spoke of fair opportunities, where he mentioned the privileges that got him successful in the acting industry.

“I have the best gift of all—a genetic gift that I look this way. Who will deny that being conventionally good looking won’t help? He highlighted the global advantages of being conventionally good-looking, tall, broad, and possessing green eyes, attributing a portion of his success to his physical attributes.

In acknowledging the industry’s preference for stars over actors, Shahnawaz said, “They cast stars as leads, not actors.” While acknowledging that some stars excel in acting and vice versa, he highlighted the importance of a holistic package for success in the industry.

“There will always be actors who perform better than me, but what gets me work is my social media following and my pretty face and I can speak and be the way I am, and I have got charisma and maybe they don’t,” Khaqan went on.

While doubling down on good looks, He iterated how ‘what you say’ can have an impact on your success, offering more perspective on the kind of content being created today.

“My work will always be underestimated for my opinions, not my looks. People who have a preconceived notion of who I am as a person will underestimate me as a person and will say Khaqan is here because of how he looks. And it’s not because of how I look, it’s because of who they think I am as a person, if anyone hates me, they will hate me for my opinions, not for the way I look.”

Here’s the full interview:

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