Earlier, social media was on fire with the news of Bilal Lashari’s Maula Jatt 2 hitting the screens this year, starring the super spectacular squad of Mahira Khan, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Fawad Khan and Humaima Malik! While the cast is confirmed, Lashari shocked us all revealing that the name will not be Maula Jatt 2!
Hence, the name of the movie is still a mystery!
While the title of the flick is still a secret, Fawad Khan and Abbasi have nevertheless started prepping up for his role!
Khan was spotted with the celebrity trainer, Hassan Mehmood at Islamabad’s Metroflex!
The dreamboat has left all in awe with his beefed up look! Kudos to Khan’s spontaneity for this versatile avatar.
Earlier, Hamza Ali Abbassi was also seen working out for the movie and was hitting it hard in the gym!
@iamhamzaabbasi with his trainer Hassan Mehmood.
10 weeks transformation camp will start in November. #MualaJutt pic.twitter.com/ROmmWaKTtl— Hamza Ali Abbasi_FC (@HAAbeez_FC) August 30, 2015
Hamza Ali Abbasi today at Metroflex Islamabad. #gym pic.twitter.com/FgGfmz4H5b
— Hamza Ali Abbasi_FC (@HAAbeez_FC) July 10, 2016
Are you not loving the rugged, rowdy looks of the Mann Mayal macho?
There is a drastic change in the look of both, FK and Hamza!
Meanwhile, Humaima Malick has also started working on her role for the movie!
Can’t wait to see what look Mahira and Humaima will don for their roles!
Raees Movie Review: Mahira Khan’s Bollywood Debut Has Blockbuster Written All Over it!
Stay tuned to Brandsyanrio for more updates!