brides sneakers

The Trend Of Brides Wearing Sneakers In Pakistan – Yay Or Nay?

Brides, nowadays, are owning their outfits more than ever. Gone are the days (thankfully) when they sat with veils on their heads and were...

Pakistani Dramas & Their Trashy Stereotypes

Not a good thing, but I overheard a conversation one day. It was a mother-in-law telling her daughter-in-law how she cannot be a saas;...
pakistani dramas

Is Glorifying Suicide In Pakistani Dramas The Only Way To Show A Story?

Every place has its own mode of entertainment. While for the US, it may be Hollywood, in Pakistan, it is the dramas. Having access...

Generalizing Women As Bad Drivers – An Unfair Stereotype?

If asking about what tasks women are not good at? The consensus would be driving! It sounds pretty sexist, but that is the truth....