house of secrets

As A Pakistani, Here’s Why You Should NOT Watch House Of Secrets

House of Secrets may not give competition to Squid Game. They are from different categories altogether but the documentary season has been trending at...
calling parents out

It’s Time For Some Pakistani Parents To Unlearn Toxic Behaviour

One cannot shy away from the idea that we have to respect our parents. Almost every culture and every religion endorse this. However, in...
pakistani dramas

Is Glorifying Suicide In Pakistani Dramas The Only Way To Show A Story?

Every place has its own mode of entertainment. While for the US, it may be Hollywood, in Pakistan, it is the dramas. Having access...
5 Things You're Doing Wrong In A Job Interview

Why Is It A Norm That Companies Ask For Last Job Salary?

If you have ever been in a job interview, especially in Pakistan, you must be familiar with the payslip query. Instead of telling you...
women england tour continues and new zealand hypocrisy exposed

New Zealand Double Standards: Women’s England Tour Continues Amid Threat

The cricket tour between England and New Zealand has been going on for a while now. However, when it came to Pakistan, both countries...