Source: Valley Morning Star

Update: 3rd April 2020

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has given out a warning that he would order the country’s police and military to shoot anyone who would violate the laws during a month-long lockdown of the island of Luzon, to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Here’s what he said addressing to the nation late at night, on Wednesday.

Let this be a warning to all. Follow the government at this time because it is critical that we have order,”

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the world in the worst possible manner. As it is spreading rapidly throughout the globe, the economy, the events industry, airlines and tourism have taken a huge hit!

With thousands of people affected and killed by this horrifying disease, this doesn’t seem to end anytime soon. However, countries worldwide are taking strict actions against this deadly.

Meanwhile, here’s all you need to know about what’s going around in the world in regards to coronavirus aka COVID-19.

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