Ranbir Kapoor who is known for his calm and composed attitude was recently in the highlights for loosing his cool over a photojournalist who was clicking pictures when he was driving at night near his Bandra Residence. Ranbir who was unable to control his temper, confiscated the journalist’s cell phone.
According to reports, the Tamasha actor Ranbir Kapoor on May 7th, 2016, was on way home in Bandra, when a photojournalist working for a freelance photojournalist Varinder Chawla clicked his pictures.
Ranbir lost his temper and came out of the car and asked the journalist to hand over his phone. Having no option, the photographer gave his phone to Ranbir and he walked off with it.
Soon after the incident, the photographer called his employer who then tried to reach the photographer’s cell phone. As Ranbir had already switched off the mobile phone, the employer contacted Ranbir on his personal number. After leaving plenty of text messages, Ranbir finally answered Varinder’s call at 1:30 am when they had a conversation about how he hates being followed.
After a detailed discussion, Ranbir agreed to give the photographer’s phone back on a promise that he will never be followed again.
Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more updates.