Nissan and end of semiconductor chip shortage
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The automobile industry has seen massive development in the last two years. Not only in Pakistan, but the world has seen such development. However, where there has been this progression, there has also been a hindrance. The semiconductor chip shortage has really put a dent in all the tech industries. Be it the smartphone one or the automotive one, all have suffered at its hands. Prices of electronics have shot through the roof and refuse to come down. However, after much turmoil, it seems that we may see the end of this shortage sooner than later. A Nissan executive has made a prediction recently.

Nissan is also one of the brands to be impacted by this shortage. Not only do they deliver quality vehicles, but they also do it in due time. You may not be able to hear a lot of complaints from Nissan users. Their sports variants of vehicles are also quite impressive, such as the GTR. That said, we have to know what the executive said in the statement. Are we expected to hear something hopeful or is the news going to be dire?

Nissan And The Shortage

The executive we are talking about is the Chief Operating Officer of Nissan. His name is Ashwani Gupta and he has been at the helm for a bit. According to him, the chip shortage is going to last till Mid-2022. That is still quite a distance off but it is not something that is impossible. We can surely survive with the shortage for six to seven more months! He also further elaborated that the shortage has had an impact on quite a lot of industries. It is going to take a while for operations to return to normal.

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This account does conflict with another brand’s account made earlier this year. According to them, the shortage was only going to last till the end of 2021. However, we can see that the issue continues so there must be some more time left. Nevertheless, this is good news to hear because Mid-2022 is not as far off as one might have thought!

nissan and semiconductor shortage
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Moving Forward

Of course, this is just a prediction but we hope for Nissan to be true in this area. It has been a while since the shortage and alternatives must be thought of. Technological advancement is at an all-time high and we don’t want it stopped because of this.

semiconductor shortage and Nissan statement
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