naya pakistan housing scheme

Naya Pakistan Housing scheme has been warmly welcomed by the nation. As many as 15000 forms have been obtained in 2 days, making it one of the most successful projects proposed by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Government.

A large number of citizens, who are willing to have their own homes, have shown a keen interest in the housing program.

As many as five million affordable houses for the underprivileged class will be built during the next five years.

According to Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Chaudhry Fawad Hussain, Naya Pakistan Housing scheme will open a whopping number of 6 million job opportunities for the natives.

While it will provide homes to thousands of Pakistanis, it will also pave way for the unemployed to achieve jobs.

Naya Pakistan Housing Program: All you Need to Know

What’s more, 100 units in the textile sector will also be opened soon, generating large scale jobs for the unemployed people.

The PTI government is also inviting Chinese firms and overseas Pakistanis to invest in the country, which will consequently create a pool of job opportunities.

Employment Opportunities for Youth

PTI government plans to revive sick and fading industries to enable jobs for youth in Pakistan.

An effective industrial policy will be rolled out soon to promote industry and create employment opportunities.

Last week, the government had constituted a 22-member Council of Business Leaders to boost exports and create jobs.

How to Apply for Jobs Online in Pakistan

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