Despite all the controversies and political hullabaloo, Indians thronged the cinemas to watch Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. While Fawad Khan was under fire by the extremist parties across the border, the viewers loved his performance and he was declared as ‘the king of hearts” by various Indian publications.

You need to see how the crowd went crazy when Fawad Khan made his appearance on the cinema screen!

His killer grooves wowed the viewers. Khan has now officially proved he can dance as well.

Even though his role was shortened in ADHM after the rising threats by MNS, Fawad surely stole the limelight in the film.

There is a massive uproar on India’s social media over Khan’s killer looks and power-packed performance in the movie.

Fawad Khan’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil ‘Cutiepie Song’ Deleted Scenes Revealed [Watch Videos]

Videos and clips of his mini role in the flick have started surfacing on social media.

His rugged avatar and intense looks made the ladies of India fall in love with all over again

You need to see this sizzling glimpses of Fawad from the movie’s song Cutiepie

Fans in India can not stop gushing over him

Many are even complaining about his small screen time.

It is evident from the response across the border that India may ban him from all the movies. But he has surely conquered the hearts.

10 Times Fawad Khan Proved that India Will Regret Banning the Hottest Khan in Bollywood!

Soon enough, Bollywood would realize what they have lost. Can’t wait to see Fawad Khan rock in more movies.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more updates.