A great marketing tactic is to cash on the ongoing trends, seasons, and events among other things. But the trick is to do it right. While a brand may be able to get it right most times, sometimes it is not perceived the way they intend. This situation is exactly what Careem Pakistan is in after their Bakra salon ad.
Careem Bakra Salon Ad
The Eid ul Azha centric ad went live yesterday evening. The moment, its notification must have pinged on my phone, your knee-jerk reaction would have had you look on the phone and then look away. A moment later you would have registered what you just read, and then, you looked again. Did the events transpire just like that, because it did for me?
Read more: Careemโs โDroneโ Food Delivery Is Raising Serious Questions
Did I find it weird? At the first glance, yes. But when you think about it, it’s not something that other-worldly. Almost everyone who goes to buy sacrificial animals gives them a funky makeover before taking them out into public. There is henna on the animals alongside bells, bracelets, and jewelry.

With the service Careem is providing, the makeover artists come to the household. First of all, it is easier for animal owners. Moreover, because of COVID, everyone remains safe. The only strange part is where they call it a salon. Probably because humans frequent salons, they feel weird if this noun is shared with animals.
Read More: Eid ul Adha 2021: 7 Places To Book Your Sacrificial Animal Online
People respond to the promotional offer
There was a mixed response to this promotion. Some people were absolutely flabbergasted at this promotion. They were of the opinion that Qurbani or sacrifice should be given the respect it deserves. Meanwhile, there were others who said that this was just another offer that has a set target market. Giving an example of another such offer from last year, they said people do avail such offers.

Like every issue, there are two opposing sides; one side finds it nonsensical while the other finds it not a big deal.

Which side do you belong to? Do you like this promo? would you be the one availing it? Or do you find it disrespectful? But most importantly, who defines the scale for judging whether a trend is non-sensical or an on-point matter. Isn’t it all very subjective? And if this is the case, then why are we so intolerant of the happenings around us?
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