Today in the morning, we at Brandsynario received a shiny black box. The box was padlocked and told us it was not to be opened until May 7th. So the team did what anyone would do; try to find a way to open it. Sadly we failed, but the curiosity only grew. So we Googled to find some answers. We weren’t alone. It turns out, this black box of mystery has taken the internet by storm!

The mystery has intrigued a great number of people. A quick search revealed people talking about it on Facebook and Twitter trying to guess what could be inside. Popular comedian Taimoor Salahuddin was surprised to receive this box in the middle of his live Facebook session. He called his friend fellow comedian Faiza Saleem and together they tried to figure it out but failed. Turns out, they too will have to wait till May 7th to find out what’s inside.

Hype about this box made its way to the road as well. Numerous rickshaws were spotted with this banner across Karachi, making commuters curious about what this is all about.

Bearing the hashtag #IsMay the tempting box asked us to guess what was inside it. We took the box for a ride and asked team members to take a dig at it. Some thought it could have makeup, some guessed a bottle of perfume, some even hoped it contained plane tickets. No one can be sure until May 7th!

People have made some pretty funny guesses about what could be inside the box.

If you want to be a part of the mystery, you can sign up and receive one yourself. Just log on to ĀĀ and register. The code to open this box will be posted on this website on May 7th and we will be sharing a live Facebook video revealing what’s inside. Till then, you too can guess #IsMay kya hai!