Punjab Chief Minister, Shahbaz Sharif’s Special Monitoring Unit (SMU), is all set to launch its Women’s Safety Smartphone Application today.
The app is a collaboration with Punjab Safe Cities Authority and Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW). The objective of the platform is to provide women with an efficient and effective forum to report incidents of harassment.
According to the PCSW Chairperson, Fauzia Viqar, the app includes a button which connects the user to the Punjab Women’s Helpline, allowing them access to information on available laws and services for women.
The app will also allow women to notify the Police Integrated Command, Control and Communication (PPIC3) officials if they face any kind of harassment with their exact location being shown. After the notification, a team of first responders will be dispatched immediately to the location.
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Edited by: Anusha Sachwani