Ever since the promos of ARY Digital’s much controversial drama Khuda Mera Bhi Hai were rolled out, all eyes were on the serial as it addressed the taboo issue of raising a transgender child. The drama hit the airwaves with its debut episode last Saturday and it is no shocker that it reaped the highest ratings for first episode of any 2016 drama till date.

The news was revealed by the proud channel ARY Digital, announcing Khuda Mera Bhi hai’s achievement of bagging the biggest opening of the year!

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/arydigital.tv/photos/a.448485135162728.121429.221895084488402/1387389247938974/?type=3&theater/” width=”550″/]


In the slot of 8 PM on Saturday, ARY ruled the ratings while Geo Entertainment and Hum TV followed. We bet, this success is just the start of many feats that will be achieved by the ground-breaking drama!

5 Controversial Pakistani Dramas that Dared to Break Social Taboos

For those who don’t know, Khuda Mera Bhi hai is the first-of-its-kind entertainment project in Pakistan that will smash the taboo of intersex children in our society. 

It stars Ayesha Khan, Jibran Khan and Furqan Qureshi in lead roles. Penned by Asma Nabeel and directed by Shahid Shafat, the drama is bound to speak volumes by stressing upon this bold subject

Moreover, the drama also addresses societal ills like child labor and domestic violence.  Seems like it will be a complete package of awareness for the audience with its thought-provoking themes.

What do you think about the drama, Khuda Mera Bhi Hai on ARY Digital? Let us know in the comments below.

‘Khuda Mera Bhi Hai’ ARY Digital Upcoming Drama Highlights a Taboo Subject that No One Dared to Talk About Before!

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