Dove’s latest campaign features Lennnie, a virtual ghost-shaped blob with nearly 5 million followers on Instagram and TikTok. In this initiative. Dove is encouraging young individuals to embrace body confidence on social media, emphasizing the importance of avoiding comparisons with others.

Who Is Lennnie?

Lennnie, an independent creator-blob, has garnered attention for crafting positive social media content. Even gaining recognition from celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston.

Dove Partnership With Lennnie

In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, Lennnie, the endearing blob, is sharing three posts on Instagram and TikTok as a part of Dove’s Self-Esteem Project. Through catchy songs and heartfelt speeches, Lennnie is promoting the idea of embracing individual uniqueness and advising young individuals against comparing their lives to the carefully selected highlights of others.

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The initiative was conceived by Dove to address the anxiety social media triggers in young users. Highlighting that over half of kids express feeling anxious due to social media, the campaign aims to counter these concerns and foster a more positive online environment.

Dove’s Campaign For Body Positivity 

The campaign’s strategy and messaging were developed by Razorfish. Meanwhile, dove partnered with Edelman for community management.

“We also know social media can be a force for good,” said Kathryn Fernandez, senior director of purpose and engagement at Dove North America, via email. “We saw an opportunity to boost the self-esteem of young people through content creation with Lennnie. A source of positivity and feel-good content that can help uplift, spread joy, and boost self-esteem. Especially as we enter into the holiday season.”

“In a time when our social media feeds are filled with divisive content, Lennnie’s message of positive self-talk and mental health advocacy cuts through and reaches straight into our hearts in ways that few humans can,” said John Antoniello, SVP and executive creative director at Razorfish. Adding that “Dove may continue to use virtual influencers as generative AI creates and alters the human form to adjust to meet standards of beauty.”

Dove initiated the Self-Esteem Project in 2004 in collaboration with the University of West England’s Centre for Appearance Research. This project aims to support young people in developing positive feelings about their appearance.

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