Have you been looking at your bakra wondering what its Kaleeji tastes like? Sadly there are still a few days left before you can find that out. For now, we can help you make a list of all  the delicious ways you can prepare its Kaleeji and other things for your dinner table. Check out our video compilation of Pakistani food recipes that will make your life very easy, come Eid ul Azha.


Personally, I am not a fan of Kaleeji. I do neither like the smell, nor the texture. But I know people out there who are die hard fans. If you are the latter, here are a few different ideas to make the protein.

Tawa Kaleeji

Ever heard of the very famous Liaqatabad Tawa Kaleeji? We dug deep inside the crevices of the internet and found someone recreating that dish. We challenge you to do to and let us know if you succeeded.

Kaleeji Masala

This recipe promises to convert even the most picky eaters into loyal fans ( I still pass). Try it out and let us know if you managed to do so.

Kaleeji Salan

If you aren’t a fan of kaleeji on its own, here is a recipe with a little more gravy. This is a special recipe from Hyderabad.

Khata Khat

If you would rather just have a mix all the internal organs of the animal, Khata Khat is your best bet. Here is a recipe from Lahore.


Once you’re done with Kaleeji and Khata Khat, you can now focus on paaye. While most of the dishes involve a thin and sticky gravy, you can still add and subtract a few ingredients for a different taste. We went out and found how Paaye are cooked in different parts of the subcontinent.

Lahori Payee

Lahore has no comparison when it comes to food. It has excelled in its delicious recipes that you cannot find anywhere else. But here we give you a chance to try.

New Delhi Paaye

Across the border, New Delhi has its fair share of delicious food. Here is a recipe from there.

Karachi Burns Road Paaye

Burns Road in Karachi is right up there with Lahore in terms of the delicious food. Here is a recipe that will remind you of Paaye you had there.

Hyderabadi Paaye

Not to be left behind, Karachi’s neighbor has its own version of Paaye too.


Things are getting stickier now. Like paaye, nihari too has a gravy, but it is thicker and contains more meat. Once again, we bring to you nihari from different regions to try and test at your leisure.

Lahori Nihari

Burns Road Nihari 

So there you have it. Some very easy to make Pakistani food recipes that will make your dinner table much more exciting. Try them out and let us know how it went.