good feng shui home
Image Source: Everyday Health

The Chinese spatial laws of ‘Feng Shui’ have taken over the internet as of late. To some this may sound like the usual bandwagon-trend-that-we-know-nothing-about but if you read deeper into the philosophy, you’ll realise that it can open us up to good energy in our homes. Are you interested in creating good Feng Shui in your home? Hear the best tips collected from experts:

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Keep Your Entrance Decluttered

One of the most important things you can do is to ensure that the ‘mouth of the house’ which is your entry, is decluttered. A lot of things can collect there. From coats, shoes, umbrellas, new parcels to even unnecessary decorations. Make that space more mindful, well-thought-out and clean. You will be inviting good energy at the place your home starts from.

good feng shui home
Image Source: Decoist

Slow Down Energy Flow

Most of the times we have doors facing our front doors in the home. This means that energy can simply shoot out. The solution? You can slow down the energy by putting a nice patterned rug, a painting or a vase in between.

Keep Your Windows Clean

Clean windows are supposed to represent the eyes of adults and the voice of children. Plus, sunlight wakes us up in the best of ways and also enhance the colours of everything we see around us. Therefore, there is a lot of insistence on ensuring that windows are clean in your home if you want good Feng Shui.

good feng shui home
Image Source: Everyday health

Strike A Balance In Elements

There are five elements, earth, wood, fire, water, and metal, in our homes too. They can be there literally or symbolically. What matters is that you ensure there is a good balance between them for good Feng Shui.

For instance, if you’re generally angry, then make sure you have less fire-related things. If you’re usually very demotivated, ensure you have more of it!

good feng shui home
Image Source: LiveHome 3D

Doors Are Important

Lastly, doors are very important if you’re trying to cultivate good Feng Shui. This is because doors represent all the opportunities life has to offer. If your door has something behind it and won’t open all the way, you’re limiting life’ s offerings. If it’s not working properly, you might be losing out on them.

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