This Firm In Dubai Turns Plastic Bottles Into T-shirts & Masks
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Global Warming is the issue of this century that needs our attention. Climate all over the world has gotten a drastic shift because of global warming. Switching to sustainable options is the need of time to reduce the waste which ends up in order oceans. The companies are now making an effort to eliminate unrecyclable material. Materials like plastic and a lot of clothing, textile, and contaminated waste can not be recycled hence ending up in landfills.

This Firm In Dubai Turns Plastic Bottles Into T-shirts & Masks
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Recently, the same venture is started by a company named DGrade in Dubai in hopes of reducing and recycling plastic. The plastic is recycled to create a recycled polyester fiber which can be used to create clothing and accessories. The clothing and accessories will also be 100 percent recyclable. The motto of the brand is to provide sustainability for environment-friendly choices. As well as to increase the job opportunities for the masses.

Partnerships of the company

The best part about the company is that it has partnerships with three different countries. These include India, Pakistan, and China to produce high-quality fabric from plastic. Not only that, but the company has also made good use of plastic bottles to create walls inside their office which not only provides a sustainable option but also aesthetically pleasing offices.

The CEO of the Startup

Barber has been working with PET technology since 2009. The textile industry veteran developed the idea in the UK, where he first created shopping bags made from recycled plastic bottles.

“We realize that the PET plastic in the bottles is actually polyester, which is already created in a conventional way using oil. So, if we could process it and spin it back into yarn, we could produce polyester without oil.” Barber said in an earlier interview for Gulf News.

This Firm In Dubai Turns Plastic Bottles Into T-shirts & Masks
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“By recycling their plastic into clothing, we support organizations in closing the loop and sourcing sustainably,” Barber says. “Right now, our operation focuses on UAE as our core mission is to find a solution for local plastic waste.”

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