Source/ BBC

If you’ve ever queued on a crowded walkway, sandwiched tightly between two strangers, and thought: ‘There must be a better way to board a plane,’ here’s the good news: You’re right. The bad news? Most airlines are not bothered by your inconvenience.

From our economy to education – COVID 19 has effected everything immensely, and various sectors are taking drastic measures to hinder the spread of the novel virus. Furthermore, all of a sudden, airlines and airports are scrambling for new solutions to reduce the risk of virus transmission while boarding passengers as quickly as possible.

Here’s a possible future of boarding the plane post-COVID 19:

1. Temperature checks may become the norm

Source/ DailyMail

Airports will check temperatures of all the passengers, which will monitor their health, and if anyone is higher than 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit – they will be requested to return home.

2. Passengers and crew members will be in protective gears

Source/ BBC

Since masks have become mandatory in public in many places, it comes as no surprise that most airlines are also making wearing them compulsory for passengers.

3. Announcement of boarding via text messages  

Source/ TeleSign

To combat full lines, cellphone location data may cue your arrival to an airport; this will not only boost social distance but will also make the procedure quicker.

4. Change in airplane design 

Source/ Avo Interiors

According to sources, an Italian design firm Avio Interiors, has put forward renderings that possible a solution for keeping flights full while minimizing passengers’ exposure to one another. The company introduced its “Janus” design that reverses the middle seat in each row of three and includes transparent dividers that shield passengers from one another.

5. Separated sanitization for luggage 

Source/ Trip Savvy

According to sources, luggage might go through its own fogging or UV disinfection process before being loaded onto planes, which will disinfect them.

6. Cold food maybe the new future

Source/ Time

Many airlines are cutting food service entirely or switching to frozen and prepackaged meals. Instead of getting cups of water refilled, passengers will get their bottle at the beginning of every flight to decrease touchpoints

7. Plexiglass shields might become crucial 

Source/ Forbes

The US Travel Association has recommended barriers between customer-facing airport employees and passengers. These barriers, such as Plexiglass shields, might become the new normal everywhere from check-in desks to shops and eateries.

Let us know what do you think will be the change in flights and boarding planes in the future?