Tabish Hashmi

Tabish Hashmi is perhaps the best Pakistan has to offer when it comes to stand-up comedy. Tabish rose to fame through Nashpati Prime’s YouTube show, ‘To Be Honest.’ Since then, the comedian has made a name for himself in Pakistan’s journalism. Social media influencer, Tabish, is Canadian via nationality, but was born in Karachi.

Tabish Hashmi Confronts Mariam Nafees 

Yesterday, Hashmi appeared on Hafiz Ahmed’s podcast. Amidst conversation, Hashmi addressed a prevalent controversy regarding a joke. Apparently some joke he cracked about Mariam didn’t make many laugh. Seems embarrassing coming from a comedian.

He cleared up on the podcast that the joke was light-hearted. The comedian also cleared up that him and Mariam are close enough for it to not be inappropriate.  It was continued that him and Mariam often joke around with each other and its just they way they are.

He discussed Mariam a bit more, sharing she’s quite mischievous and is quite the jokester herself.

Regardless, Tabish acknowledged that there some things you just don’t discuss on live television. He quoted, “But that was our personal joke. There are some things that you should not discuss openly, let alone joke about them.” And for this he apologised.

He shared that in the middle of all the chaos on the show, more often than not, some jokes just slip out of you like that. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do about it. This one in particular, could not get crossed out of the Youtube recording either. It did get cut out, but only much later.

Mariam Nafees’s Reaction

Tabish even requested to address the joke the very next day. Upon discussion with Mariam, she refrained from agreeing to do so. Despite pleads, Mariam suggested it is best to not fuel the fire and like it fade away on its own. As do most controversies around celebrities, this too was eventually forgotten about.

Stay tuned to Bransynario for more news and updates.

Mahnoor Rashid
Mahnoor Rashid is a student with a love for writing. She is an eccentric artist, fond of Muslim architecture. Currently, as a freelance writer, she explores the latest news and the depths of Pakistan's history and culture, while drawn to marketing's intriguing nuances. When not writing, Mahnoor is found adoring animals.