Ramiz's Funny Crush - Wants To Mary Babar Azam
Source:: Cricketaddictor

In the world of cricket, there are commentators, and then there’s Ramiz Raja – a man whose love for the game is only rivaled by his unabashed admiration for one man: Babar Azam. And if you thought cricket was all about smacking the ball out of the park, you clearly haven’t witnessed Ramiz’s unapologetically hilarious commentary when Babar’s at the crease.

Babar Azam’s Fireworks and Ramiz’s Verbal Fireworks

In a recent match that had cricket enthusiasts on the edge of their seats, Babar Azam pulled off a spectacle that left everyone’s jaws hanging – everyone except Ramiz Raja, that is. Babar’s whirlwind century against Galle Titans not only sealed a stunning victory for Colombo Strikers but also broke records like they were mere twigs in a storm. And guess who was there to witness it all unfold with the vigor of an overenthusiastic puppy? None other than our favorite cricket commentator, Ramiz “Babar’s Number One Fan” Raja.

Babar Azam maiden LPL ton lifts Colombo Strikers to edge Galle Titans
Source: AsportTV

As the ball soared to every corner of the field, Ramiz’s praises soared even higher. “Fifty in security, class, and quality, calmness,” he cooed, as if Babar’s bat was an enchanted wand. Ramiz’s commentary wasn’t just enthusiastic – it was like listening to a love poem dedicated to Babar’s batting prowess. If words could blush, the dictionary would be tomato red after that performance.

“Wanna Marry Him!” – Ramiz’s Hilariously Unfiltered Outburst

But wait, it gets better! In the midst of a fevered monologue about Babar’s on-field brilliance, Ramiz tossed in a line that might have caused even the seasoned cricket fan to spill their tea. “I just absolutely love him – wanna marry him,” Ramiz exclaimed, leaving everyone within earshot (and probably Babar himself) in a fit of incredulous laughter.

I absolutely love him, want to marry him" - Ramiz Raja makes a bizarre comment on Babar Azam during the Lanka Premier League
Source: Sportskeeda

Now, one might think that such blatant and unconventional admiration might raise eyebrows, especially considering Ramiz’s prior role as the Chairman of Pakistan’s Cricket Board. But then again, when it comes to cricket, it’s not unusual for emotions to run as high as an umpire’s index finger during a tense LBW appeal.

Ramiz Raja’s Long-Standing Affection for Babar

Ramiz’s affinity for Babar isn’t new, of course. Back when he held the reins of the cricket board, he often showered Babar with compliments that would put a proud parent to shame. But now, with Ramiz in the commentator’s box, it’s like watching a cricket match through a whimsical, rose-tinted lens. Every shot, every drive, and every run become a reason for Ramiz to burst into poetic exclamations about his cricketing heartthrob.

While some might argue that Ramiz’s affection for Babar’s batting is over the top, one can’t deny the sheer entertainment it brings to the cricketing world. In a sport that is often filled with serious analysis and technical jargon, Ramiz’s unapologetic enthusiasm is like a breath of fresh air – albeit air that’s scented with an oddly strong aroma of Babar-love.

So, the next time you tune in to watch a cricket match and hear Ramiz Raja gushing about Babar Azam’s genius on the field, remember that you’re not just watching a game. You’re witnessing an unconventional love story that transcends boundaries, turning the usually stoic world of cricket commentary into a romantic comedy where a commentator and a cricketer live happily ever after – in their own unique way.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Usman Kashmirwala
Your thoughts are your biggest asset in this world and as a content writer, you get a chance to pen down these thoughts and make them eternal. I am Usman Kashmirwala, apart from being a movie maniac, car geek and a secret singer, I am a guy lucky enough to be working in a profession that allows me to showcase my opinions and vision to the world every day and do my little part in making it a better place for all of us.