Petrol Pump
Image Source: Pakistan Observer

As the sun rises on May 16, Pakistani drivers will find a silver lining at the gas stations. The cost of filling up their tanks is about to get lighter, and it’s not just a minor adjustment. Brace yourselves for a whopping 12 PKR decrease in petrol prices per liter! But what’s driving this change, and how does it impact the average citizen? Let’s dive into the details.

The Global Trend

Petrol prices are like a seesaw, swaying with the winds of international markets. Recently, the trend has been in our favor. Globally, gasoline prices have dipped by 6.32 dollars per barrel, bringing the cost down to approximately $99.93 per barrel. This downward shift is a breath of fresh air for consumers who have been feeling the pinch at the pump.

Petrol Price Drop
Image Source: AzerNews

But wait, there’s more! Diesel prices are also doing a happy dance. Expect a Rs 9.70 per liter reduction, mirroring the global decrease to $99.08 per barrel. For those who rely on diesel-powered vehicles—whether for work or travel—this news couldn’t come at a better time. It’s a nod to affordability and a smoother ride ahead.

The Bigger Picture

Now, let’s zoom out. Why are we witnessing this price drop? It’s not a random occurrence. Reports reveal that Pakistan experienced an 11% annual decline in petroleum product sales during the first ten months of the current financial year. Fewer people are buying petrol, diesel, and related products compared to previous years. But why?

Petrol Pump In Pakistan
Image Source: GeoNews

In May, the government took proactive steps to ease the burden on citizens. On May 1, petrol prices dipped by Rs 5.45, settling at Rs 288.49 per liter (down from the previous Rs 293.94). Diesel followed suit, shedding Rs 8.42, now priced at Rs 290.38 per liter (previously Rs 298.80). But it’s not just petrol and diesel; light-speed diesel (LSD) and kerosene oil also saw reductions. LSD prices dropped by Rs 5.63 per liter, while kerosene oil became Rs 8.74 per liter lighter.

Numbers don’t lie. From July 2023 to April 2024, Pakistan sold a total of 12,443,000 metric tons of petroleum products—an 11% decrease compared to the previous year. In April alone, sales dipped by 6% compared to the same month last year and 4% compared to March. These fluctuations highlight the importance of monitoring global and domestic trends in the petroleum market. It’s not just about fuel; it’s about the economy and our daily lives.

So, fellow drivers, rejoice! Starting May 16, you’ll be saving money at the pump. Whether you’re cruising through the busy streets of Karachi or navigating the scenic highways of Lahore, your wallet will thank you. Keep an eye on those prices, stay informed, and enjoy the ride!

Zayaan Khan
A Mechanical Engineer who wrangles with drones and designs by day and your favorite friendly neighborhood techie/ gearhead by night. I’ve always been intrigued by how everything works. Blessed with penmanship, I take the latest in tech/ automotive news and craft it into something that keeps you glued to your screen! You can simply call me the “The Engineer who writes”