When traveling, you should never put too much confidence in your surroundings. You’ll be able to rest easy and have peace of mind if you know how to conceal money when you’re traveling. Know that you can be a target if you’re a tourist because they know you have money and thieves are constantly prepared to take advantage of whatever chance you may give them. It’s crucial to outwit them and make it difficult for them to remove your goods in this situation. It’s not a guarantee that a thief will target you on your next journey. It’s that you will be protected in the event that it does, which is conceivable.
Use a money belt
Image Source: Finding Beyond
In a travel money belt, you can conceal some of your cash. Normally, money belts are worn under clothing. One of the oldest and safest methods for protecting your money is this one. Many seasoned travelers have used money belts. Although the traditional money belt is worn around the waist, there are modern variants that are worn over the neck or thigh.
In the handle of your hairbrush
This is a practical technique to conceal some of your cash when traveling. How many burglars would think your hairbrush contained money? It’s possible to get a hairbrush with a hollow handle and a covert detachable cap that lets you conceal some cash. The hairbrush is practical and mixes in with your other cosmetic supplies so that no one would guess its hidden purpose.
Hiding it in your shoes

Even if it’s cliche, keeping some cash hidden in your clothes is still one of the best options if you’re concerned about theft. It has been a tried-and-true technique for ages. There is no way you can lose this money unless the robber coerces you into giving them your shoes.
But there are certain disadvantages to stuffing cash in your shoe. If you frequently have this issue, you should apply an odor spray to stop your feet from sweating.
In an empty water bottle
Carry a water bottle that is empty and fastened to your clothes, daypack, pocketbook, or other items using a fastener or key chain. People frequently carry water bottles or plastic bottles when walking about, especially in warm regions. Many burglars won’t consider stealing a water bottle.
Carry a dummy wallet

Carry two wallets, and in the second one, store some outdated or phony cards along with a few modest dollars. In the unfortunate event that you find yourself in a confrontational scenario, you might present a fake wallet, which is empty of all cash and credit cards.
Keep the major chunk of your money in a wrist wallet
Wearing a wrist wallet is a discreet way to carry some cash with you for usage at establishments like pubs and restaurants or when out and about.
Carry small amounts
Don’t carry all of your money or significant sums of cash with you; only enough to get you where you’re going. Keep that money in a safe back at your hotel or apartment as an alternative.
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