New Logo
Image Source: Disney

Disney Plus has made a significant advancement in the rapidly changing world of digital streaming. Known for its recognizable branding, the site has experienced a big makeover that has prompted discussions and arguments all around the world. Let’s have a closer look at what the change signifies and how netizens feel about it.

Disney Plus: A Portal To Magic

When we talk about unmatched impact on entertainment, we think of Disney. Disney continues to be a powerful force in the industry and has influenced millions of people’s childhoods with its timeless masterpieces and contemporary blockbusters.

Disney Plus Logo
Image Source: Google

Disney Plus offers a variety of material from Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and other properties, and acts as a portal to the huge Disney universe. Fans may still access the service in Pakistan even if it isn’t directly available there by using a VPN. While some users are reportedly using Disney Plus accounts on a sharing basis via unofficial third-party sellers.

The Subtle Change

Subscribers recently discovered a new logo after noticing a change in the Disney Plus app icon. The alteration has elicited divided reactions; while some praise the new style, others wonder if their memory of the former design is accurate or perhaps mistaken.

The Aurora hue of the new logo pays homage to both the Sleeping Beauty, a cult classic by the studios, the  protagonist and the Aurora Borealis, which are bright bands of color around the North Pole caused by solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field. This update symbolizes the merging of the two platforms by combining Hulu’s green with Disney’s iconic blue. But one thing is for sure, its truly is a creative way to showcase their new acquisition to the mass audience.

Disney will combine its generally kid-focused Disney Plus material with Hulu’s more mature range of movies and series when the Disney Plus and Hulu libraries are combined. This means you can watch shows like Shogun on Disney Plus.

Reaction On Disney Plus’s Logo Change

It’s arguable if the new logo is really necessary. Some perceive it as a needless break from a well-loved brand identity, while others see it as a calculated effort to set Disney Plus apart in a congested market.

Disney Castle
Image Source: Facebook

Disney Plus’s embracing of its new Aurora theme is indicative of the company’s adaptability and innovation. We’re all keeping a careful eye on this rebranding, even if it’s unclear if it will be a long-term success.

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Zayaan Khan
A Mechanical Engineer who wrangles with drones and designs by day and your favorite friendly neighborhood techie/ gearhead by night. I’ve always been intrigued by how everything works. Blessed with penmanship, I take the latest in tech/ automotive news and craft it into something that keeps you glued to your screen! You can simply call me the “The Engineer who writes”