Darvesh launched “Khuda Jaanay”, one of their most anticipated song on August 8th, 2021 via YouTube and other popular music streams including Spotify, iTunes and Amazon Music.
Watch it here:
#KhudaJaanay released just in time of Pakistan Day, is a soulful rendition dedicated to all the beautiful people of Pakistan with a message of love and hope.
Directed by Zubair Taqi, the music video encapsulates breathtaking shots of the majestic landscapes of Pakistan. The song navigates us to a soulful journey leaving nothing but hope in our hearts to make way through these uncertain times.
“Khuda Jaanay” is not just an ordinary song. It is a tribute to the people and the pleasurable miracles this pure land is blessed with. With tracks like “Khuda Jaanay” we aim to show our love for the country in the most unique way possible.” – Zain Siddiqui; Music producer.
Darvesh is a musical journey of 10 determined gypsies answering to the summons of love and mysticism. They’ve been creating fusion music for 4 years and have officially coined the term “Qawwali Rock” through their music.
Darvesh’s tailor-made sounds have been a hit among music aficionados. Since sliding into the music scene with alluring singles like “Main Mast, Khudara, and Tarana”, the band has used its music to paint a POV of a gypsy’s journey to discover eternal love. They derive their musical inspiration from everything around them, especially things that impact society and people.