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Working out without any equipment might sound odd to you if you’re someone who used to hit the gym a couple of times every week before the pandemic. We understand that our movement is restricted, and that is exactly why we must keep it moving.

Regardless of all the odds, the good news is that you can still work without any fancy equipment. Your own body serves the purpose, it is a great tool to get the heart rate pumping. The fact is that we can become better, harder, faster, and stronger by using our bodyweight alone.

There are many workouts available online that you can follow in your day to day routine. For a more tailored workout plan, you can get assistance from well-known Pakistani trainers who are offering online workout sessions, one-on-one, or in a group. They might also be able to help you out with your diet plan as nutrition plays a key in bringing about change.

5×5 Round Bodyweight Circuit 

Exercises that can help you tone down include lunges, squats, planks, push-ups. Here are 3 important bodyweight exercises 


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3 VERY IMPORTANT BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES 🔥 | destroy up to 300 calories in 16 minutes, at home! If you’re a beginner feel free to modify the push ups in each combo based on your performance level but do not skip them; this will allow you to build strength and deliver more powerful reps as we continue to train together 💥 Set interval to 30 secs work/ 15 secs rest. Do each movement for 30 seconds and then take a 15 sec break before moving onto the next one. Repeat this round 7 times 💦 Stay sharp Legends! May all your vibes say; i got this 😌 #fitness #fitnessmotivation #motivation #fitnessaddict #fitfam #workout #training #strong #girl #ootd #instafit #instadaily #love

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This 20-minute workout is all you need!


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For starters I’d like to apologise to my fam for being mia but I did summon the courage to record this core crusher and fulfil the request of the dms that had been coming through for a killer core workout which can easily be done at home 🙆‍♀️ We’ve all got busy schedules, take out 20 minutes everyday and try to squeeze in a quick 💦 Goals aren’t meant to be executed in a day. It takes time of effort, dedication and commitment. Most importantly you have to be in love with the grind even when it hurts 99% of time. That’s progression in my book. Hurt today to endure more tomorrow 💯 Video credits @zainabrj Thankyou for being the amazing human that you are 🌝🌻

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4 Critical Body Weight Moves


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4 CRITICAL BODY WEIGHT MOVES 🔥 | that you’ll want to crank it up and do right now! I have found body weight, free movement exercises like these to be extremely helpful through and through. Now more than ever we understand that our bodies are really the only equipment we’ll ever need. Trust the design to unlock your secret features. Being left alone is kind’a becoming like being stuck inside the most revolutionary gym ‘round town 😝 set your interval to 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Repeat each movement 2 times before moving onto the next one. Repeat the round 5 times to complete the 20 minute protocol 💦 1. Walking push ups 2. In and out squat jump variation 3. Side to side tiger push ups 4. Spider man push up and elevated leg push up variation. Beginner/ low impact – do the push ups with your knees down and skip the jumps in the squats! @shamoonismail #music 😍 backup plan – how fresh is this song! Love and grace gramfam. Lemme know how you go! | #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitfam #workout #training #motivation #girl #ootd #instadaily #love

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This has to be the best time to work on a transformation as you can cook for yourself, set a routine, not eat out, etc. Plus, since life has come to a halt as we know it, this might be able to give you a sense of routine.

We suggest investing in a pair of dumbells and a yoga mat because it looks like we are stuck indoors for a while. Better squeeze that strength training in your routine.

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