Ahmed Godil

Pakistan Super League’s opening ceremony has always been something we all have looked forward to.

From international singers to local crooners and a massive display of fireworks, the ceremony has all that and more to offer.

However, PSL 5’s opening ceremony was different than the previous ones, it was hosted by Ahmed Godil.

Since then, social media has been divided! While many have brutally roasted him over every possible platform in every possible way, some have taken his side.

Reportedly, he was hired for Rs. 5 million where he is reported to have asked for Rs. 1 crore.

Here are some of the most viral social media reactions towards the PSL 5 opening ceremony host Ahmed Godil.

PSL 5 Opening Ceremony Host Ahmed Godil Replies to Trolls

Ahmed took it to his official Facebook page to pen down a message for all his trolls. His message reads:

Two thumbs up for all the people who are trolling me and trying to mock me just because of pure jealousy and canโ€™t digest how someone can reach till here but this is because of immense hardwork and dedication.

Thank you for all the love, hate, respect, direspect and support!!
In the end : Mehnat kar , hasadd na kar!

What did you think about Ahmed’s hosting skills? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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