To fight against the rising rate of rape and sexual assault, the Indian goverment has launched an ATM like device called, iClik. 

Developed by Indian Police Force, the deivce permits people to file a complaint without having to step foot into a police station. iClik issues a slip that allows users to track the investigation of their report.

According to the Commonwealth Human Rights reports, more than 57 rapes are reported every day. The study also established that Indian women are raped every 30 minutes.

Lopamudra Baxipatra, chairperson of the State Women’s Commission, explains that most women are hesitant in going to all male Police Stations, because when they do, they are either assaulted or threatened as a result of which the crime goes unreported.

To reduce the impending danger that women face from police officer’s side, Odisha police officer Joydeep Nayak has designed an ATM-like machine named the Instant Complaint Logging Internet Kiosk, or iClik. 

The first iClik has been installed at the location near the Bank of Baroda in Bhubaneswar. The ATM-like machine works round the clock and is reportedly used by 8 to 10 women every day.

iClik lets women easily select what kind of crime they want to report.

Positive initiatives like iClick prove that keeping their identity anonymous is important to women yet they are willing to communicates their problems to the responsible authorities.

According to reports, if the pilot succeeds, iClik machines will be installed in public places all over India.