No matter what your query is, you always reach out to your phone or laptop and put it up in the Google search bar.

Same is the case when you are looking for cheap and safe travel.

Google Flights is a great tool to help you with that. However, it may not be the best thing to help you predict the perfect time to book. That’s when you might want to check other planning tools on the internet too.

Good timing – Google just realized that!

And to get all the attention back, it has recently released some important upgrades to their travel planning suite to help you find cheap travel and book at the right time of the year.

If you have been using Google Trips or Google Flights, these features are going to be pleasant surprise for you. This is what you can expect from the updated tools:

1) Price Tips on Google Flights

Using information like historical flight prices, Google can notify you when the price drops and even when it is not expected to drop any further. This feature can be accessed on both smartphone and desktop. So when you look for a flight next time, don’t forget to check this option out.

2) Alerts on Hotel Price

Google will now provide you with insight details on hotels and room rates when you look for a hotel to book on Google. It will mention if the prices are higher than usual – due to holiday season or local events. It will also inform you if the hotel is offering discounted prices and if it is a good time to book. Again, the feature can be accessed through both mobile and desktop.

3) Tracking Hotel Prices

Google Flights enable you to track price of the flights. Now you can do the same for the hotels. If you opt for the option of tracking hotel prices, you will be notified through an email or message when there’s a fluctuation in the rate.

Currently, this feature is only accessible through mobile but a desktop version is expected to release soon.

4) Discount Feature of Google Trips

For Google Trips users, there’s now a Discount feature you can use to improve your experience. The feature will tell you about different tips to avail deals and grab discounted coupons to enjoy local attractions in your destination city.

The feature is now globally released across Android and iOS.

While the upgrades seem quite simple, it is definitely going to improve your experience when you are looking for cheap travels next time. Hope you find these upgrades useful and use them to plan your next holidays.

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