5 Easy Recipes For Those Pesky Midnight Cravings You Need to Try

Unless you are one of those organized people who sleep early and wake up on time, you have fallen victim to those pesky midnight cravings. Don’t worry; you are not alone. We, too, stay up way past our bedtime to watch a movie or catch up on our shows. And of course, the tummy protests and tells us how good something crunchy would taste at that exact moment.

easy recipes

Once you have successfully sneaked past your parents’ bedroom and entered the kitchen, the game begins. Dinner leftovers are not an option. The first rule of midnight snacking is that it must be made on the spot. A microwave is your best friend for making some easy recipes. We recommend closing the kitchen door to block the beeping sound from attracting unwanted attention.

If your mum loves you too much and knows of your midnight snacking habits, she will have stocked the freezer with lots of frozen food items like nuggets or fries. If not, don’t get disheartened. Just go through the pantry and analyze what ingredients available and get to work.

Nutella mug cake

If the gods of midnight snacking are smiling down upon you, you will find some Nutella in the fridge. You have just hit the jackpot! Use this easy recipe to make a mug cake in a few minutes. You only need two other ingredients, an egg, and some flour. Word of advice: this can either turn out to be the best snack of your life or become a spongy, cakey mess. Attempt only if you aren’t prone to violent outbursts. Our attempt was not so successful.

Nutella Tart

This is a tried, tested, and highly successful recipe of our creation. This, too, does not require too much effort but does need some patience. Mix Nutella with some cream, add a pinch of salt, and pour the chocolatey goodness on a bed of crushed biscuits. We used saltish for a balance between sweet and salty. Now the patience, we had to keep it in the fridge for it to set. You, however, don’t have to wait. Just mix the biscuits with the Nutella cream mixture and enjoy!

French Toast in a mug

Midnight snacking is not supposed to be messy, so if it’s a french toast you crave, here is an easy way to make it without getting the hands dirty! You can swap the syrup with sugar water or just beat sugar with the egg. Use a spoon if you don’t want mum yelling at you for dirtying too many utensils.

Instant Mac n’ cheese

If you’re craving something savory, this is a perfect option for you. It’s a straightforward recipe, and you have plenty of room to add your personal touch. Chop up some mushrooms, olives, bits of chicken if you have some leftover from dinner and add to it. You have a good serving of Mac n’ Cheese ready in minutes!

Bread Pizza

Pizza cravings can develop anytime, anywhere. This bread pizza recipe won’t satisfy it entirely, but it comes quite close. You don’t have to use all the ingredients used in this video. Just go with whatever you like or have available.

All these recipes are easy to make and don’t require too much effort. Try them out and let us know how it goes.