Every bride wants her wedding to be perfect and pays attention to the minutest of details, from the Gharara she’s going to wear to the Marigold’s being used for decor on the Dholki! All this planning can get stressful and although most brides try to keep their cool and remain calm, there always comes a point where this is no longer possible and this turns them into well..bridezillas!

If conversations with your friends, parents, Chachi, Phupho have turned into shouting matches, we’ve got news for you, it’s not them – it’s you!

Watch out for these signs that will tell you whether you’re on your way to turning into a bridezilla.

  1. The Over Enthusiasm on every tiny detail!

If you’re being over excited about everything it is bound to be a temporary high and will cause you stress and hysteria later on!

2. You can’t take the advice the nosy aunt is giving.

Try to avoid getting into conflicts with the meddling aunties and keep your calm.

3. Finding out your Darzi has messed up your outfits!!

Have everything planned ahead so as not to freak out at the last minute!

4. When you become a control freak

Learn to delegate and ask your close friends and family for all the help you need, ask nicely – no one like’s bossy people!

5. Every conversation you have turns into a shouting fest

Are you losing your cool on every little argument? This definitely means your wedding preparations stress has gone way over your head.

6. You Keep Talking about the wedding 24/7

Trust us, your loved ones have a lot more to do rather than listening to you going on and on about the upcoming wedding, your clothes or shoes!

7. Your Parent’s and Fiance are going Bankrupt

After the lavish mehndi, the ginormous amount spent on gifts and the massive diamond ring from your fiance, it might be time to cut down on the expenses to save your loved ones from bankruptcy.

8. Constant fights with your better half-to-be

Have you noticed the continuous fights with your ‘soulmate’? It’s time to turn down the bridezilla mode and enjoy the time you have together before the big-day.

If you do see any of these signs in yourself, just remember to take a deep breath before you turn into a raging Bridezilla! Enjoy your big -fat wedding with all its glory! 

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