how to make money facebook

There is no denying the fact that the last few years have witnessed an exponential growth in social media usage across all sections of society. New users have been hopping onto the social media bandwagon by droves.

Fueling this growth is the rapid increase in access to the internet and the countless apps and social networking sites that litter the social media landscape. Apps such as Snapchat and Whatsapp are all the rage as are social networking sites Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Of all the social networking sites out there, Facebook ranks at the top when it comes to name recognition and the number of users. But Facebook is not just a social networking site. It also serves as a very useful cost-effective advertising outlet for online businesses by increasing their return on ad spend manifold. Even individuals can earn a good amount of money with their Facebook account.

Here are some easy ways one can earn money using Facebook.

How To Earn Money Via Facebook

1 ) Create a Facebook fan page

Once you open your Facebook account you can proceed to the next step by setting up your Facebook fan page or group for your intended business.

Zaid Ali Facebook Page

This is a more effective way of making money using Facebook than going about doing so without one. Some good topics for your fan page can be sports, politics, fashion, stock investments and education.

2 ) Affiliate Marketing

One can make money using Facebook by being an affiliate. The way it works is that you post a link of a product or service from an affiliate networking website on your Facebook page. By doing so you would be promoting another companyโ€™s product or service by giving it visibility.

If, for example, your page is about sports, you can choose to promote sports goods like bats, balls, racquets, etc. Just make sure that you keep the interests of your audience in mind when sharing content as each time someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase you will be paid a commission by the company.

3) Develop a Facebook-related app

Another way of making money from the social networking site is by developing a Facebook-related app. If you have a great idea for an app then waste no time in at least considering the option for designing it for Facebook. One can also get an expert programmer to develop it.

4) Monetize your Facebook page

You can also monetize your Facebook page once youโ€™ve built a decent following. A large number of followers on your Facebook page significantly increase the opportunities to generate more revenue.

One way to monetize your page is by charging companies for writing reviews about their products or the services that they provide. When giving your opinion through reviews make sure to keep the interests of your audience in mind.

5) Sell customized fan pages

It is also possible to make money by selling customized Facebook fan pages to businesses. The fan page is customized according to the preferences of the customers and they can decide to either go for something elaborate or keep the whole thing simple.

6) Sell items on Facebook Marketplace

You can also make money by selling your stuff on Facebook Marketplace. Through the online marketplace, one can sell anything from furniture and crockery to old sports equipment and clothing items.

There is always a chance of finding a genuine buyer of your stuff here. Make sure to list down whatever items you wish to buy or sell.

7) Sell your services as a Facebook marketing professional

It pays to be savvy when it comes to social media these days. Not all marketers have caught on to using social networking sites like Facebook successfully as a tool to market their products.

Hereโ€™s where you come in. If you know how to effectively implement marketing strategies such as advertising on Facebook, companies would be looking to hire your services as a Facebook marketing expert.

Contributed by: Hasan Waheed