Since we are little, we have often heard the phrase ‘Jesa Des Waisa Bhes’ which means the same as “When in Rome, do asย theย Romans do.”
It means adapting to the culture and roots of the country and accepting it for what it brings.
However, for drivers, riding around in a new country can be very painful, especially when you are unaware of their laws, or when they have bizarre rules.
Countries all over have a different set of driving laws according to the safety of their drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
Here are some of the most bizarre driving rules we came across:
1. China/Beijing

Usually, in every other country in the world, a driver stops to allow a pedestrian to cross the street as a sign of courtesy and, of course, to obey rules if there are stop signs at the corner.
However, in China and Beijing, things work differently. It is illegal for drivers to stop their cars for pedestrians.
2. Manila, Philippines

In Manila, the Philippines, drivers who own cars with license plates that end with a 1 or 2 are not allowed to drive on Mondays.
This act was imposed by the authorities to help the massive flow of daily traffic in the capital, hence only certain cars are allowed in certain areas.
3. Thailand

You can be fined for driving topless in Thailand in regards to your gender. Even tourists are not allowed to be topless, whether you are in a tuk-tuk, on a motorbike, or using any other mode of travel.
4. Americaย

There are a handful of bizarre driving rules in the United States of America. We listed down a few for you:
- You can’t park in front of a Dunkin Donuts in Maine
- It is illegal to drive in black vehicles on a Sunday in Denver, Colorado
- In Mariette, Georgia you can’t spit from a moving car, but, you can from a moving truck
- It is illegal to drive blindfolded in Alabama
- In Alabama, drivers can drive the wrong way through a one-way street as long as they have a lantern attached to the front of the car
5. Europe

If you thought the states in America had weird laws, wait to you hear some of Europe’s:
- In Moscow, you can be fined for having a dirty car
- All drivers in France must carry their breathalyzer
- In Cyprus, it is illegal to have anything to drink or eat while driving
- You can’t wash your car(s) in Switzerland on Sundays
- In Germany, it is unlawful to stop your car even if it’s out of fuel
Know any more countries with super weird driving laws?
Share them with us in the comments below.
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