So, you think your job is the craziest? Drives you insane? Wait till you read what we have for you. As kids, the most question we’ve all heard growing up is, “What do you want to become when you grow up?” And the answers, such as a pilot, doctor, the engineer always brought a smile on the parents’ faces. Right? But little did some parents know that their children would end up opting for the weirdest professions. When we say this, you have to believe us.
Here’s a list ofย 10 such crazy and weird jobs in the world that you will not believe even exist:
1. Pet Food Taster

Yes, you read that right. The job of a ‘Pet Food Tester’ is to chew animal food before it is certified, okay for pets.
2. Waterslide Testerย

If you love waterparks, this might be the best option for you. Water Slide Testers have to check all aspects of safety and make sure these rides are safe.
3. A Professional Cuddler

4. Professional Sleeper

An ideal job for people who love to sleep. What more would you want? Imagine getting paid for sleeping!
But here’s the real deal. It’s not easy.
NASA wanted to examine the effects of lying still for 70 days, which is approximately how much time it takes to travel to space.
So, what they did was hire volunteers to check and paid them $18,000 or ยฃ12,000 to lay in bed and sleep.
5. Teddy Bear Surgeon

A few of you might not know this, but there’s a famous store called ‘Build-A-Bear’. At Build-a-Bear outlets, they have technicians whose job it is to sew arms, legs, and eyes back on to ‘injured’ teddy bears.
6. Chocolate Engineer

Who wouldn’t love this?! This job does sound like a dream job! The role of a Chocolate Engineer is to design new recipes for chocolates. Wow. Are you experimenting with chocolate, huh?
7. Panda Nannies
The Giant Panda Protection and Research Centre in China employ staff known as Panda Caretakers or Panda Nannies. Their job is to look after the pandas at the center.
8. Wrinkle Chaser

This is one satisfying job! The job of wrinkle chasers is to make sure there are no creases on shoes when they are whisked out of the factory.
9. Gross Stunt Tester

They have ever seen reality shows and random videos where people munch on bugs and creepy crawlers? Yup. These crazy guys are called Gross Stunt Testers, and their job is to eat everything that’s just gross.
10. Wedding Guest

Yeah. You read that right. Imagine just dressing up, attend a get paid? How awesome would that be? In Japan, there’s a part-time job opportunityย where people double up as wedding guests. Get paid and get free food. LOL.
If you were to opt for any of these, which one would you go for? Let us know in the comments below!
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