Times of India have comeback with a reply, a full paged story, as a response to Deepika Padukone’s enraged backlash to the daily’s controversial heading that read ‘OMG: Deepika’s Cleavage Show’.

It all started when TOI (Times of India) Entertainment tweeted a link with a caption, ‘OMG: Deepika’s Cleavage Show’. This can be deemed a rather unusual practice by TOI, one of the world biggest media houses – however, this did not become a controversy until Deepika replied to the tweet from her own official account, a rather bold reply, which immediately grasped the attention of media around the world.

The Daily did respond at that moment with deleting the tweet saying, ‘It was a compliment Deepika’. Ever since entire Bollywood seems to have joined Deepika, which encouraged the actress and she came out on social media with her point of view – a rather strict one. She insists that her ‘Reel’ life is different from her ‘real’ life, while acting she may be required to show off her bofy but she doesn’t do it unnecessarily.

Now, Times of India has officially responded in detail with an ace write up that sums up the controversy. The image below is from the TOI’s official website.


TOI not only counts all the incidents Deepika has showed her private parts in her ‘real’ life it also accepts that the caption could have been better, but Deepika’s POV is no less than hypocritical. 

On the other hand, many still believe that since Deepika owns her body its her right to be able to decide when to put a stop to it. No one should be entitled to use her pictures of any sort without her permission.

A notion that does make sense, but not that much when put for someone in the show business, it’s called the ‘show’ business for some reason after all. 

Whose side would you take? Team Deepika or Team Times of India? Comment Below!