Instagram will soon augment its photo resolution which will provide even better quality images for its users.

A spokesperson of this photo-sharing platform confirmed to Mashable Website that it is rolling out 1080 x 1080 resolution pictures across iOS and Android platforms which previously required up 640 x 640 pixel resolution.

Read also: Instagram to Email Weekly Highlights Digest

These bigger and better photos can already be seen on Instagram’s apps while on the web they are getting displayed in their old format.

What are the advantages of this new size?

Having 1080 pixels, more detailed pictures can now be seen without costing slower load times or data usage. Moreover, cropping of 1920 x 1080 resolution pictures are easier to post.

Read more: Instagram Launches ‘Layout’ Collage App For iOS

Why Instagram went through this change?

Ever since the launch of Instagram in fall 2010, mobile photography has transformed drastically. Back then, internet connections were much slower which required photos to be smaller in order to load quickly. Not to forget, the larger smart phone screens is a much later invention, with prior small smart phone screens, smaller and less pixel-dense pictures were much of a requirement. However, now most mobile devices have screens that span 6 inches and resolutions that surpass full-size televisions. So why handicap our viewing?

To witness the change, have a look yourself at some of thes snaps!

After :

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Happy #4thofJuly to those celebrating today! #🇺🇸 (Image: PRNewsFoto/Capital Concerts)

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I'm on a boat.

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