Google AI Lab has joined hands with NASA and recently collectively acquired the D-Wave X2 the quantum processor which is said to be the first of it’s kind. The D-Wave X2 enables the user to perform calculations and problem-solving at a pace 100 million times faster than that of a normal personal computer.

The prototype was put to performance test where it had to solve 945 variables. Quantum Monte Carlo and a few other speed performance tests were also conducted.

It also shows that the processor is easily able to crack algorithmic problems in a matter of seconds where it could take years to solve. Google’s VP of engineering, John Giannandrea said, “The company is now encountering problems because there are some problems that traditional computers simply cannot solve.”

Artificial intelligence software when backed with quantum processing will make leaps and bounds ahead of its time with the present technology rendered almost obsolete.

The assertions of the 1,000 qubit (unit of quantum info) quantum processor are yet to be actually proved. Besides Google & Artificial Intelligence system, the applications are vast from database searching to space simulations and so on.

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It is too early to predict the timeline the technology will be easily available for the excited tech savvy consumers and if yes then to serve what purpose exactly. Yet the day is not far when the processors will be transmitting information of infinitesimal proportions where atoms will be employed to even perform the most mundane of tasks.