Unilevers’ fabric softener Comfort in collaboration with ‘Face Gossip’, has launched a Smartphone application that ‘calculates’ the brightness level of clothes worn in a ‘Selfies’ (Self-portraits).

The campaign for the multi national’s popular fabric softener originated in China with plans of going global eventually.

Comfort spokesperson added that this marketing effort took place after Comfort figured out that Selfie trend is catching up rapidly not only in China but worldwide.

Targeting of the social media profile picture trend from ‘Comfort’ does make a lot of sense, as the only other thing prominent in a full-length Self-portrait, beside the person, are the clothes.

The game evaluates how pretty the clothes seem if their colour is enhanced, thus, highlighting Comfort’s message: ‘more than just pretty faces, but also pretty clothes’.

The ‘freshness Index’, according to Comfort, describes how pretty the dress is based on the brightness and color contrast of the clothes worn. Comfort also invited Zhang JingJing an emerging Chinese designer; to custom make the costumes for the lucky five customers participants.

The campaign has already attracted 540,000 participants tile date and proven the success of the release of the mobile app Face Gossip.