
Young ‘puppy’ love comes with all sorts of misunderstandings and hardships, however, there is something utterly blissful about being in love. The secret smiles, the hallway stares, butterflies in the stomach, being happy for no reason, the contemplation, and the chase; don’t we all just love the whole process!

However, after the ‘honeymoon’ stage of love fades away, a pile of misunderstandings and arguments hits us like a loaded truck and in that lowest ebb in times when nothing makes sense, wouldn’t we all just love to have a Cupid. Someone to hold the reins and to save our titanic of love. Do you also feel that way?

websites that will help you in your relationship goals

If yes, then worry no more young grasshopper, Cupid has something amazing for you in store. Here are SIX social websites that can totally up your relationship game. Have a look:


If you are caught in the struggle of young love, being miserable and hopeless about it is no longer an option because there is a new Cupid in town. enters Pakistan with a mission to make love win.

The portal is indeed a hub for all your love stubs. What makes this portal so fantastic is that it’s the first portal addressing the subject of young love in Pakistan!

Check out the video below to see the kind of magic has in store for some very lucky couples!

[fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/]

Why do I love this video so much might you ask? Well, what is there not to love! Who would not want to enter a chance to surprise their loved one with a magical surprise! Also, did you know the guy escorting Maliha to the runway was actually the very charming, Adnan Malik, himself?

The video is the story of every other teen couple who goes through many stages of a relationship. Peppy, relatable and shot entirely in Karachi, this short film is reminiscent of all the beloved places that we’ve grown up around. Be it Karachi Airport, Hill park, the beautiful neighborhood of PECHS, the bus or the teenagers playing cricket; the whole feel is very Pakistan-ish that evokes a sense of belonging.

I also absolutely love how the main actors are fresh faces, making it look like they are portraying their own story rather than acting out someone else’s.

cornetto cupidity

If you are wondering how you can get to help you? It’s simple. Go to their website and write to them and if you’re lucky, Cupid might just make your wish come true – their words not mine! Seems like this portal has a lot more love magic in store for us! Stay tuned to see whom cupid hits with his arrow next.

Stay tuned to see whom cupid hits with his arrow next.

  1. Ask E. Jean

Ask E. Jean is a famous forum for people seeking advice from experts. The international website gives you advice on all your problems; be it love or work – there is nothing that the good ol’ E. Jean can not answer.

Ask E. Jean-Elliot Magazine

  1. Paul Hudson

With a whole category dedicated to dating, the website has numerous articles based on problems frequently faced by couples. If you want to know the 9 things you do that your guy loves or the difference between choosing to love and falling in love, it is all there written by the gods of love.

Paul Hudson

  1. The Last Honest Guy

People say girls are confusing, however, guys are equally confusing. With that out, The Last Honest Guy is every girl’s love guru. And if the name suggests that he is the last honest guy left on Earth, I think we must put him to use!

Whenever you want to know what a guy thinks about you, ask the last honest guy. Is he interested, is he shy, am I reading too much, am I waiting too much, am I playing too hard to get, am I being to easy to chase; you ask it and they are there to share an honest perspective as to what a guy thinks in a particular situation. Let’s uncomplicate things girls!

The Last Honest Guy The Last Honest Guy

  1. Couple Connection

If you want everything under one roof, Couple Connection is your go-to place. From relationship advice to tips and insights, from a live listening room to relationship forums and quizzes; you name it and they have it. Love couldn’t get easier than this. *Just Kidding*

The Couple Connection

  1. Ask April

April Masini is an author, a relationship and etiquette expert and runs an Ask April column. Known for giving out realistic and perky advice to distressed lovers and hopeless admirers, Ask April is a successful phenomenon internationally.

Ask April

All the ‘terribly in love’ and ‘utterly confused while falling in love’ out there, whenever you feel like the world is coming to an end and nothing is right, come right here and take help from the online relationship gurus. Who knows what a little help can do for you. Almost a love guru signing off for now – till then, keep loving!