According to a report by Skyscraper Center a total of 97 Buildings of and above 200 meters were completed in 2014. The trend for high-rise buildings has alleviated across the globe specifically in Asia during this past year, which is why 2014 was officially granted the title of being the “tallest year ever”.

Researches by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat revealed that during the year, 11 of these 97 buildings were actually above 300 meters. One World Trade Center, located in Lower Manhattan, New York and dubbed as the “Freedom Tower”, was deemed as the tallest building of 2014, and is now the Third Tallest Building in the World. The World Trade Center, Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, UAE) and The Wharf Times, Square 1 (Wuxi, China) were the second and third highest buildings created during this past year.

It is believed that the cause of this growth in the construction of the soaring Structures is the recent economic turnaround from the recession of 2008. The other main reason for the growth of Skyscrapers is China, 58 of the 97 skyscrapers constructed in 2014 were built by China, which makes it seven years in a row when China has built the most skyscrapers in the World.

Asia has dominated the statistics in this field by constructing 78 completed skyscraper buildings.

The functional purpose of Skyscraper Buildings is also being redirected during these times, when office spaces are gaining more popularity; also mixed-purpose buildings are now being built as Skyscrapers. It is not clear however for which purpose these high-rise buildings will be most used for.

2015 is expected to be more active than 2014, and currently the completion of 105 projects of above 200 meter buildings are due for this year.