The ‘Flame Grilled Fragrance’ is out! Burger King Japan released their one of a kind burger scented perfume this April Fool’s Day

Costing about 42 USD or 20 GBP, with a complimentary Whopper, the perfume was available for one day only – Wednesday i.e. 1st of April.


This news piece goes out to all the fast food loving folks out there!

Burger King Japan has come up with a perfume that is scented like a Whopper. Unbelievable as it may sound; this is a perfume which has the lingering smell of a burger. 

Titled as “Flame Grilled”, the perfume will be sold for about ¥5,000 JPY, or $41.53 USD. It will be available for the entire month of April given that it is not an April Fool’s Day prank.

Amidst the excitement and frenzy for the Whopper-scented perfume, the Japanese have named the day as April 1 Whopper Day. This has created some suspicion among people if all this is some big April Fool’s Day scam.

Burger King Japan has already started the advertising and the promotions for the launch of this product.

Take a look at the print ad launched by Burger King Japan as well: