The joyous occasion of Eid is a beautiful celebration of people forgetting past qualms and coming together to celebrate. People visit one another on the day, spreading love, joy and happiness. However, there are also a few for whom the celebrations are incomplete.

As the days of Eid draw near, and people look forward to celebrating holidays with their family and friends, the real heroes are still away from home, doing their best to help the less fortunate. These unnamed heroes are everywhere. Soldiers on the border defending their nation, doctors on duty saving lives. Far from home and working nonstop, they seldom get a chance to enjoy a moment to themselves. For them, Eid celebration is just like any other day.

We generally do not think about these unsung heroes unless they happen to be someone we know. Therefore, Wall’s Pakistan is giving you a gentle reminder: let’s not be too busy in our own lives that we forget those unsung heroes who cannot spend Eid with their loved ones. See that policeman at the masjid? He’s spending his day making sure you are safe instead of being with his family. The least you can do is thank him for his duty and wish him a happy Eid.

They say Eid is truly celebrated by children. They get shiny new clothes and accessories, not to mention loads of Eidi. Sadly not all kids are excited by this. For some, all they want is for their loved ones to come home. Wall’s TVC depicted the story of one such kid.

It revolves around a young child named Ahmed who writes a heartfelt letter to his father- a doctor in a remote area. At first, the child is unhappy that his father cannot make it in time for Eid, but after learning how much good he is doing and selflessly sacrificing his own happiness for the well-being of others, the child feels proud and sends him a little gift to give him a taste of home.

This heartfelt TVC by Wall’s resonated in the hearts of millions of viewers. They understand the feeling too well. Having loved ones away from home, especially on such a joyous occasion is definitely not easy. The message hit home. So this Eid, if you come across someone who is away from their loved ones, try to share your blessings and happiness with them, we believe a box of Wall’s does the trick too.

Watch the heartwarming video below: