A massive uproar has been erupted on social media after the news of the controversial divorce of PTI Chairman Imran Khan and Reham Khan. While Kaptaan’s ex-wife had her production debut Janaan in the pipeline, curious questions are being raised regarding its completion in the light of her marital  separation.

However, a statement has been rolled out on Armeena Rana Khan’s FB page from the movie’s co-producer Imran Kazmi, halting all tittle-tattle about their mutual venture.

Details here: Imran Khan Reham Khan Divorce Confirmed!

Expressing his condolences to both the icons, Kazmi revealed that “the show must go on” and the entertainment picture is all set to enter its second phase towards completion.

While the shooting will continue as per schedule, he further divulged that the much-anticipated teaser of the tale will be rolled out soon, created under the supervision of the director Azfar Jafri.

Terming Reham as an eternal part of Janaan, Kazmi spilled the beans that Janaan is close to his  coproducer’s heart and she has complete faith in her team.

Related: Hareem Farooq To Co-Produce Reham Khan’s Pakistani Movie Jaanan

Check out the complete statement released via Armeena Rana Khan’s Facebook page here.

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/armeenaranakhan/posts/700512373384363/” width=”550″/]


Meanwhile, the die-hard PTI fan and the social media naysayer, Hamza Ali Abassi took to FB as usual to voice his views on the Imran-Reham split-up.

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=980769281986746&id=182248258505523/” width=”550″/]


The former first lady of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Reham Khan, was on a mission to change the perception of people about her province since she married Imran Khan and was eager to change the image of KPK through mass media. Consequently, the divorce will not stop the luminary to pursue her goal.

Read more: Reham Khan’s Pakistani Movie Janaan: Poster & Release Date

Janaan is written by Osman Khalid Butt and will feature Armeena Rana Khan as the lead protagonist. The movie is said to be a romantic comedy, revolving around a Pakhtun family and is aimed to portray Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its people in a positive light. The movie will be dubbed entirely in Urdu language.