There has been a virus scam doing rounds on Facebook for a while now which is titled “10 hottest leaked Snapchats ever”, and Facebook has currently issued a warning against this link. The reason behind this warning is that this link leads users to a website which has an embedded virus that steals personal data including bank account details from the computer of the user.

According to the security firm, BiteFinder this link is the second-most clicked and popular scam link circulating on Facebook, the first one being “check your top profile visitors” scams which was all over social media platforms last year.

The common user has been warned by Facebook that these kind of scams specifically any link which features the word “leaked” can lead to financial harm caused by the information available through the computer.

The link can also lead to identity theft. The Chief Strategist, for Bite Finder stated that, “Fraudulent websites promoting snapchat leaks and other ‘viral’ content could lead to identity fraud and financial losses.”