Danish Taimoor and Ayeza Khan, are the most recent celebrity couple who have now been blessed with the joys of parenthood. According to the Facebook Page of Ayeza Khan, the actress has just had a baby girl.

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[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/AizaKhanActress/posts/943955772293737:0/” width=”550″/]


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In her status, she has stated, “Alhumdulliah we are blessed with a baby GIRL THANK YOU ALLAH”

The celebrity couple was hitched together in matrimony back in 2014. They have appeared in Urdu 1’s musical drama, “Jab We Wed” together as well.

ayeza-danish-baby ayeza-khan-baby

Read More: Ayeza Khan – Celeb Biography, Profile, Facts and Pictures

Recently the actor, Danish Taimoor has been working on promoting his upcoming film Wrong Number meanwhile the actress has been off the radar of the media. Now we know why.

Read More: Team Wrong Number Visits Edhi Centre